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PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 5:51 pm
by Horrid
Ive started fallowing Aarklash for a couple days and Ive been wondering if there's any re playability besides using a diferent set of characters maybe like random dungeons or something to make me wanna play after i finish the story

Re: Replayability

PostPosted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:22 am
by Izno

As you said, the replayability comes mostly from the possibility to use a different group and different specialisations. The game has some areas to can explore out of the main track, but it is mostly a linear adventure.

Then, beating the Ragnarok mode (hardest difficulty mode) should offer you quite a challenge. You can even try without using the active pause if you enjoy having it hardcore, and unlock achivements.

Every run should take you 15 hours at the very least, so you will have a good run for your money ;)