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Leech grain counts as a positive effect on enemies

PostPosted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:51 am
by Haggard
I am just fighting the Chimera at the moment and had Wendaroo cast leech grain on her, at which point she proceeded to cast an empowered shaft of light and obliterate everyone. Then i checked and sure enough the seed is seen as a positive effect among her effects. Is this intentional? Is it a bug? If intentional then...why?

Re: Leech grain counts as a positive effect on enemies

PostPosted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 12:52 pm
by QDemon19
Interesting, I've tried Leech Grain twice and honestly have not checked to see if it acts as a positive buff on the target, would be surprised if it did.

Like Haggard said, is this intentional?

Re: Leech grain counts as a positive effect on enemies

PostPosted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 1:05 pm
by Izno
Working as intended, just a bit confusing.

Basically, it is a support effect (for you), not an increase (for her). The way it is displayed can be a bit weird at first.

Careful with the Chimera, she has this bad habit of buffing herself just before casting the ability. Keep Denzil's debuff for the moment when she starts casting and you should be alright ;)