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Awesome game, couple of comments

PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:21 pm
by tfninja
First thing i want to say is that i am really enjoying this game. i love the isometric strategic combat, so refreshing and challenging.

A couple of things i would change, is the drop/equipment system. Items are just too random and eclectic in their stats which leads to taking AGES to equip your team, as after some studying you may find a certain item is best on Denzil for instance, even though it has a +healing given stat. This is annoying as it takes ages to decide which item is best for who, and it is unsatisfying to have wasted stats

There is a minor delay after giving move orders, before the unit moves.

Enemy details should appear in the top left when you mouse over while paused. It should not be necessary to click the + button to see them.

Occasionally units can be blocked in a corner by other friendly units. This is very minor but it has cost me a few times, as i assumed a unit was under a control effect which is why he wasn't responding, but he was just locked in.

Other than that i am really enjoying this game. For me it came from no-where. IGN and co haven't given it any coverage which is criminal IMO. PC games media just is not doing its job properly. It is only thanks to ThePirateBay that you got my money as i saw it while browsing and then used youtube for gameplay vids. Why has there been no media coverage? I believe if you had the coverage, you would probably have sold 100x more copies because people simply don't know the game exists. This is a far better game than the likes of Torchlight, and you deserve more sales to reflect that.

Looking forward to Aarklash 2!

Re: Awesome game, couple of comments

PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 8:10 pm
by Emberstrike
tfninja wrote:Other than that i am really enjoying this game. For me it came from no-where. IGN and co haven't given it any coverage which is criminal IMO. PC games media just is not doing its job properly. Why has there been no media coverage? I believe if you had the coverage, you would probably have sold 100x more copies because people simply don't know the game exists. This is a far better game than the likes of Torchlight, and you deserve more sales to reflect that.

Best thing you can do in these cases (what I have done) is tell all your friends . . . and tell them to tell their friends. Word of mouth is sometimes the only way to get these gems the credit and the revenue they deserve.

Re: Awesome game, couple of comments

PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 7:45 am
by manageri
Same here, I had no idea about the game before I randomly saw it featured on Steam's front page on release day (from which it was already gone the day after). I hope the deservedly good reviews bring in the sales, though I'm not sure that'll make up for the complete lack of hype. The gaming media really is useless.

Re: Awesome game, couple of comments

PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 8:23 am
by Izno
Hey there,

Thanks for the feedback !

We are trying our best to push the game forward. This is our first self published title and as you can imagine we have limited means, so world of mouth is indeed very important ;)

As a lot of existing reviews and comments about the game are positive, we are receiving more and more attention, and hopefully that will keep going for a while !