sorry it took so long, was caught up in RL.
Here's the version with audio commentary. I tried to provide a bit of insight into the challenges and tactics of each fight.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jq1XlUcmoTMHope it helps some of you
Best of luck

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Part I Fights:
1. Act I First Mornstar Encounter
2. Act I Lesser Chimera
3. Act I Mornstar kill
4. Act II Chimera
5. Act II Major Elemental of Light
Part II Fights:
1. Act II Necromancer Pit Fight
2. Act II Crypt Fight 1
3. Act II Lord of Pain Achievement Grrrr
Part III Fights:
1. Act II Crypt Fight 2
2. Act II Golems Healers at Rest Achievement
Part IV Fights:
1. Act III Hydra
2. Act III Lord of Pain