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Very dissapointed - with the "extras"

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Very dissapointed - with the "extras"

PostSat Nov 30, 2013 3:47 pm


Very disapointed with Aarklash Legacy, 2 reasons:

- No game manual (one like the Confrontation one would be great)
- No French in-game voice (all voices are in English, even after reinstalling the game with the Stram and game choices in French)

I bought this game (and Confrontation) only because they are products of the old miniatures "Confrontation" series and I have always liked the series because of the graphic look and because you would get it in French (the names sound a LOT better in french than in english, imo and the voice acting in Confrontation was just right).

No paper/printable manual: a chance lost at nice graphics, only english voice: the game becomes equal to the rest.

I wasnt counting on fantastic gameplay, terrific story or magnificente pc graphics (although the ones in game are in old Confrontation style, and I like them a lot) I was conting on the "little extras" to make the game unique.



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Re: Very dissapointed - with the "extras"

PostMon Dec 02, 2013 11:02 am

NOTE : je vais vous répondre en anglais puisque le sujet est ouvert dans cette section du forum. Cependant, Cyanide est un studio français, donc n'hésitez à nous écrire dans la partie française du forum.

Hello and thanks for your feedback.

Being fans of oldschool style ourselves at Cyanide, a manual is something we would have definetely liked to do.

As for voicing, we would have loved to do it other tongues, but we had to pick the most common language used among gamers, which is english.

Why is that ? As opposed to our first Confrontation video game, Aarklash: Legacy was self published and had a much more limited budget, especially in the field of promotion.

We had to make some hard choices, and we hope you will understand the reasoning behind it.

As much as we agree with your point, we still think the money was better spent on development, as proved by the good critics the game got overall.

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