Get familiar with the shamanic traditions with the orc Motcha !
Motcha came to the Goldmongers and said to them that he had been told to serve them by three ghosts. Two were his orc ancestors that still owed the guild money when they'd died. They could not rest in their deaths and asked him to negotiate a contract of servitude that would free him.
The third ghost was most mysterious, a man with blue skin, and said that he should do this thing or the world might come to an end. Motcha did not tell the Goldmongers of the third man, but the story of the first two was enough to get him a copper link.
His usefulness as an interpretor of the stories of the dead has earned him his silver, and his deadly powers have earned him the respect of his fellow Wheel Swords. Motcha is incredibly patient, never growing excessively angry, even when provoked. This had always set him apart within his tribe, and earned him the training of the Shamans at an early age.