So, % of absorption formula
- Code: Select all
(Armor / ("real" armor / ("real" armor + absorption constant))) x100
is equal to
- Code: Select all
Armor * 100 * (1 + absorption constant / "real" armor)
I have some question - what the "real" armor is? Even there is already armor value in formula? And if "Real armor" is a result of other formula, then what is just armor?
And about previous ("real"?) armor formula:
- Code: Select all
(Sheet armor + BalanceFlat + IntegratedArmorModifer) x (100% + ArmorMod% + DifficultyScale%)
There are 3 constants (depends not on game situations): BalanceFlat, IntegratedArmorModifer and DifDifficultyScale%.
DifficultyScale looks easy to understand - it depends of difficulty we select. It can be >0 if it applies to enemy troops (to make them stronger) or <0 if it applies to player's group (to make heroes take more damage) or to all of units in fight (makes fights go faster = harder to react on situations). It's OK.
But what are BalanceFlat and IntegratedArmorModifer? What can be "balaced"?
And what is IntegratedArmorModifer? "hiden" armor for unit or just a buff or something else?